Well, of course I didn't mean everyone, and I have learned much from the
considerate members of these lists. There have been moments over years,

But let us stick to the main thrust of my email, please: contributions and
questions from lurkers, especially beginners and what are often called


-----Original Message-----
From: G. Crona [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 26 January 2008 12:06
To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [LUTE] Re: contributions to this list

Rob wrote:

"I for one enjoy contributions from beginners and amateurs (in the best 
sense of
the word) than from arrogant know-all so-called professionals."

Strange that you should say that. I really do not percieve the posters on 
this list to be at all arrogant. On the contrary, most helpful and 
knowledgeable. If being knowledgeable is seen as being arrogant, I think the

perciever might be the one to have a problem.


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