On 2008-02-05, at 14:21, tiorba wrote:

In fact my first performance of Castaldi's Capricci (in the same programma with Pittoni) was with the tiorbino part played on harpsichord - as it now appeares not to far from historical practice. Very interesting, thanks, Rob.

It's indeed very far!
Like playing a vocal aria with the "vox humana" of an organ, or thinking about sun and sea playing with "unda maris"... It's really clear what is a tiorbino for Castaldi. Not only from the picture, but also from the introduction, unfortunately lacking in the Minkoff reprint...


Changing instrumentation in music of the time is as natural as breathing. Almost all title pages of printed music testify to it. Of course I would do better using some other instrument strung in gut, say another lute, harp or ...a keyboard instrument called tiorbino, providing I'd know of it. But my buddy played ordinary (oh, how ordinary) italian cembalo, so what? But I'll tell you more, there is a biger scandal approaching or already appeared - Kenneth Gilbert's keyboard edition of the lute and theorbo music of Kapsperger... I can imagine a battle on this liste like the one with Sting. ¡Ay, caramba!

PS: but the introduction to Castaldi I'd love to know, of course!

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