
1 - Maybe you should send an email to Francesco Tribioli directly. He usually 
answers questions on troubles with Fronimo.

2 - Try to suppress all the Fronimo fonts from the Windows Font  directory and 
re-install the lot from Fronimo directory in you Program Files dir. using the 
"new font" tool of Windows.

Perhaps others on this list will have better ideas ! 

Good luck,


PS :I have never had this problem but I use a registered version of Fronimo...

======= 15-02-2008 14:31:40 =======

>Dear collective wisdom,
>I have left a message on the Fronimo forum (Feb 9th) but no one has replied
>of late.
>Basically, since installing Fronimo 3 (build 27 Demo) on my PC, I have
>noticed that all my 'saved files' (- in e-mail attachments and recent
>downloads to Desktop), now have a different icon.  The yellow lute symbol is
>now appears on a white square.  Is this what you get with the new Fronimo 3?
>But that is not my main concern.  The problem is that I must remove and
>re-install Fronimo every time before I can print anything!  I can open any
>file during the first session I use Fronimo.  But, if I close it and re-open
>it later, all the fonts are corrupted.  It is very annoying as I cannot find
>the fix within the program. 
>All I see on the stave lines are horizontal 69's, Pi-symbols, envelope-icons
>etc.  There is nothing resembling French tablature.  The audio play-back is
>fine, so it would seem to be only font related.  I have checked all the
>possible Fronimo settings relating to fonts, but they seem to show up fine.
>Is it really Wingdings?
>Is there something I am missing from the Demo download?
>I would appreciate any help.
>Ron (UK)
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