Funny that this piece seems to be well known.
I never heard of it until the swiss lutenists on their regular trip to the lago maggiore found the year of spinancino's first print to be passing without recognisable resonance. So we decided to plan a "500 years of ... " series of recitals as some kind of showcase for the lute and it's repertoire. One seldom has the opportunity to present a wide range of instruments and the vast variety of the repertoire preserved in the lute books in one single concert (although we concentrate on the jubilee). I digged a little bit more into the repertoire and found (among others) "Ostinato" - and am amused what I've found in the meantime. I seem to know so little about what's all recorded and the history of the reappearance of the lute starting from the 70's! My only excuse is that I was barly born then. But it's great to learn more about how it all came into being! I really enjoy those personal stories and am very keen on learning more.

All the best

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Andrico" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sean Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lute Net" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 1:44 AM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: amateur recording


I think 'Ostinato vo' seguire' was introduced by Anthony Rooley, to whom we owe so much, in his anthology of early music published by Penguin. We are performing that piece and also 'Per dolor me bagno il viso' (both by Bart Tromboncino, by the way) in a concert program Saturday, March 29th at 7:00 pm at Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church 5299 Jamesville Road in Dewitt, New York, near Syracuse. The concert will feature Italian and English songs and lute music by both Tromboncinos, Verdelot, Marenzio, Festa, and Monteverdi, and Dowland, of course. We will be joined by viola da gamba specialist, Alexander Rakov, performing on the rarely heard songs by Dowland from Pilgrims Solace, featuring obliggato treble viol.

We will also be performing this program the following day Sunday, March 30th at 4:00 pm Church of the Holy Trinity 346 Prospect Street in Binghamton, New York. Admission for both concerts is: $12, students & seniors $10, kids under 12 free.
Best wishes,

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