I think it's really funny that folks who insist on playing early music on
historically accurate instruments use electronic tuners to set them up.

> Stuart wrote:
>> Anyone got any advice/recommendations on tuners? Do people use them to
>> position frets too?
> I recently bought the Turbo Tuner (Sonic Research ST122 Chromatic Strobe
> Tuner www.turbo-tuner.com ) and love it. Easily programmable, very
> accurate,
> easy read-out, mic/software is very good in picking up lute sound - even
> low
> basses, no moving parts, sturdily build, small. You can attach a clip-mic,
> but you'll have to buy one seperately. I use it for different
> temperaments.
> Yes, fret positioning too. I also have  'the brick', as the no longer in
> production Korg MT-1200 with a slot for one programmable temperament is
> called. The Turbo Tuner is by far the better of the two.
> David
> ****************************
> David van Ooijen
> www.davidvanooijen.nl
> ****************************
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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