On Sun, 4 May 2008, Greg Silverman wrote:

> Dear all,
> My wife has a recital coming up early next month.  For one of her selections 
> is Jacob van Eyck's setting of
> "Philis schoone Harderinne." She was able to get that Phyllis is a beautiful 
> something or other.  Does anyone know what a
> Harderinne is? (She thinks it may be a shepherdess, but has been unable to

Herderin in modern Dutch is indeed shepherdes.  The "ne" at the end is an 
old form of the same; the "a" at the beginning I cannot place.  A typo 


> verify this.)
> Please to help!
> Thanks very much in advance!
> Greg--
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

the next auto-quote is:
In the last analysis, there are only atoms. There's just
one science, Physics; everything else is social work.
(James Watson)
Peter Nightingale                  Telephone (401) 874-5882
Department of Physics, East Hall   Fax (401) 874-2380
University of Rhode Island         Kingston, RI 02881

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