The Fiamenga is better known as the "Allemande Fortune helas
pourquoi," and there are many settings of it.  The one in the
Chilesotti Codice LAUTEN-BUCH (NB:  the manuscript originated in
GERMANY, not Italy) would be available in Dick Hoban's
intabulation (Lyre Music Press)

Perhaps Dick has the piece in electronic form that he could send
to you.

But there are settings in Adrianssen, Vallet (for these see
below), Mertel, Thysius etc., etc.

Guitar Tab after Vallet

It is probably alternately called Fiamenga because it may have
originated as
a Flemish song, "Fortune Helas bedroefft."
=====AJN (Boston, Mass.)=====
This week's free download from Classical Music Library is
Polonaise in F sharp minor, Op. 44,
performed by by France Clidat, piano. More information about this
piece is available on the CML music blog

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