We are off to a strong start: 44 members, 73 photos, 8 videos, 10 discussion in the forum.

Come join us!


On May 15, 2008, at 9:12 AM, Daniel Shoskes wrote:

We have myspace, we have facebook, we have yahoo groups for Django
and Fronimo, we have youtube channels, we have multiple repositories
of tablature and of course we have this email discussion group.

Any value in having a lute specific social network that could combine
features of all of these including a discussion group, photo uploads,
tab file uploads, videos and concert listings? The website "ning"
allows people to create their own social network and as an experiment
I created one called lute. If you are interested, please join and
let's see where it takes us. When you go to the site, you need to
create your own profile and then you can join the group. If there is
minimal interest I'll take down the group in a few weeks.

(so far 18 members after less than 24 hrs).


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