I'm wondering if what we as musicians refer to as "response" is the 
delay to peak, or something quantifiable in the wave. Intriguing.

At 08:56 PM 8/24/2008, you wrote:

>On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, David Tayler wrote:
> > ... I'm getting 20 milliseconds till the peak
> > amplitude, ...
>Thanks for the independent measurements which confirm the
>delayed peak but measure a different delay time.
>Here is a waveform that I recorded
>The delay till the peak amplitude is clearly visible.
> > That's a lot
> > faster than a tenth of a second,
>Yes, by a factor of five.
> > but my instruments have very thin
> > soundboards.
>It would be interesting to see exactly what
>accentuates the effect.  Possibilities:
>soundboard, playing technique, type of string, whether
>other strings are damped, string tension, room acoustics,
>whether the string is open or fretted, ....
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