On the advice of several people on this list, I recently bought the Sonic Research ST-122 Strobe Tuner. It works a treat - amazingly accurate - you can use it to set your frets. And you can program custom temperaments. It even picks up very clearly the bass notes on a clavichord - which is something no tuner I've used previously has managed to do... But does it produce sounds? - don't know - I'd have to check when I get home.

Here's a link to Sonic Research:


They were happy to ship internationally.

(BTW Omer - I believe our lutes are related - I got my 7c Hans Frei type from James Marriage shortly after you did.)


On 23 Sep 2008, at 09:28, Omer katzir wrote:

I'm still looking for a new shiny tuner, my old one...well, old.

long time ago Korg had the OT-12 (i think it was 12) tuner, a nice tuner, memory, all kind of neat stuff. my friend has it and she's using it to tune her viol.

now, Korg have only the OT-120, no memory, few presets. but again, no memory. the presets are nice touch to it, but i cant build my own like in the older model and i really don't want to use automatic tuning, i want to hear the sound, like in the old days when i was young and stupid.

any way now... i really need a new tuner. so any suggestions for a nice and shiny tuner will be accepted. i also accept lutes, if you want to send me one or two.

thank you,

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