Leonard Nimoy did indeed take the "live long and prosper" hand position from the Birkat Kohanim ("Blessing of the Priests") traditionally said over the congregation by the "priests" (which is to say, men descended from priests, the Jewish priesthood having been otherwise unemployed since the Second Temple was destroyed two milennia ago) and --less traditionally, I believe -- said (without the hand position) by parents in the home on Friday nights as part of the blessing of the children. The curious can look at the hand position on the web, e.g.:



Like a lot of Jewish ritual, there are differing accounts of what it means. Some say the hand position represents the letter shin, for "Shaddai," one of the names of God. There are other explanations:


I have never been able to get my fingers into that position, but I'm not a kohen, so it doesn't matter.

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