So, few days ego (i think it was Sunday, not what day it is today...) I received the Super Duper Sonic Tuner as some of you recommended.

A great tuner, but I really need tips to use it, I'm still used to my old needle tuner, I always used them and now all the flashing lights confusing me. I read the instruction manual, it is great becuase now I know how to change temperaments, cents, save, delete, backlight etc. But I'm not really sure how to tune, the manual fails to explain it (at least for me) in nice and clear way.

For now i don't care about flats and sharps, I just want it to tune, when I'll get used to it, I'll think some more. But how, in the name of the great Henry the VIII, I know if my string is tuned? So any one with this nice tuner (and it really nice) please help me.

The second part of my tuning trilogy goes to the temperament. I have decided 1/6 Comma for my first test. according to LSA i need Tastino which i guess supposed to be an extra fret (had little time to read) and i don't have one for now, I only have the frets already on my lute, i can try other temperament that not requires it, like the Mersenne's Spinet #1, Kepler #2 but from what i see, they are... different from what i want to try. so again, suggestions will be gladly excepted. Other problem i have, are the 10th-12th frets, they are on the lute body, how should i handle that problem?

My lute is a 7c, 61cm and it is now tuned to Equal Temperament, I have 9 frets on the neck and three more on the body.

Thank you again and again

Omer Katzir

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