
Thank you very much!  It may be unconventional, but I think it looks 
perfectly respectable and very useful -- maybe I should add for tablature?


Those of you who do not know Lilypond and who might like to use 
Alexander's template, all you have to do is change the notes stored in the 
variables I,...,IV.  The notation used is the relative notation.  The note 
immediately after the \relative declaration specifies the absolute pitch. 
Subsequent notes are by default chosen to be the nearest ones, up or down, 
i.e., c g means go down from whichever c you are at to the nearest g 
below.  If you want to go up by a fifth you would have to write c g'; to 
deviate from the default in the downward direction, you append a comma 
instead of a prime.  This convention works well most of the time or 
otherwise produces interesting errors.

Lilypond provides no WYSIWIG without the information of how you got what 
you get, but instead it is an unambiguous, self-documenting road map to 
WYWIWYG, What You Want Is What You Get, at least if that's what you want.


On Sat, 6 Dec 2008, alexander wrote:

> O well ,once started, hard to stop. This is how it looks in the end ( pdf, 
> midi and ly files here)
> \version "2.10.33"
> \header{
>       title = "Ricercar"
>       opus = \markup {\small \italic "(N 52)"}
>        composer = "Francesco da Milano"
>       tagline = ""
>       piece = \markup {\small \italic ""}
> }
> \paper{
>  paper-size = "letter"
>  oddFooterMarkup = "Francesco Ricercar"
>  %%system-count = #10
>  ragged-bottom = ##t
>  ragged-lastbottom = ##t
>  %%print-page-number = ##t
>  top-margin = .001\in
>  %%bottom-margin = .1\in
>  %%head-separation = 0\in
>  %%foot-separation = 0\in
>  %%between-system-space = .25\in
>  %%between-system-padding = .25\in
>  before-title-space = .001\in
>  between-title-space = .001\in
>  after-title-space = .001\in
>  }
>  #(set-global-staff-size 17
>  )
> #(define (fret-letter-tablature-format string tuning pitch)
>    (make-string 1 (integer->char
>     (+ (char->integer #\a)
>     (- (ly:pitch-semitones pitch)
>        (list-ref tuning (- string 1)))))))
> bb = \bar "|"
> offset = {
>   \override Voice.Stem #'extra-offset = #'(0 . .6)
>   \override Voice.Beam #'extra-offset = #'(0 . .6)
> }
> I = \context Voice \relative c' {
>   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "harpsichord"
>   \once \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t
>   \tempo 4 = 42
>   \offset
>   \stemUp g'4\1 g8\1 g\1 \bar "|" d4\2 d\2 \bar "|" r8 a'\1 g\1 f\2 ees\2 
> g16.\1 a32\1 \bar "|"
>   bes8\1 bes\1 a\1 g\1 \bb g\1 f\2 ees\2 d\2 \bb r16 f\2 ees\2 d\2 r bes'\1 
> a\1 g\1 r c\1 \bb
>   bes8.\1 a16\1 g16.\1 f32\2 ees16 d c f8 ees16 \bb d8. s r16 d \bb bes ees d 
> g[ f bes] g c a f \bb
>   g bes8 a g fis16 \bb g4 f8 d ees4 d8 s \bb
>   f16. g32 a16 f c'4 \bb bes8. bes16 a g8 fis16 \bb g8 g g ees16 c d bes c d 
> \bb
>   ees16. d32 c16 bes a g32\4 a \bb bes c d e f g a bes c16 bes a g \bb f32 
> ees d c bes a g f ees d c bes\6
>   r16 c'' bes a g bes a g \bb f a g f e g f e \bb r bes' a g16. e32 fis g 
> fis16 g \bb g4 \bar "||"
> }
> II = \context Voice \relative c' {
>   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "harpsichord"
>   \stemDown s1 d8\2 d\2 bes\3 bes\3 r16 c\3 ees8\2
>   d s s c bes a c d\3 c s s s c
>   d8. s s s bes c16 bes c a8 s16 c bes ees s d ees8 c16 d\3
>   ees d c8 d s s1
>   s4.. ees16 d8. d16 c bes a8 s16 ees' d c8 b16 c a\4 bes g8 bes16
>   s4. s2 s4.
>   s16 c d8 bes c a bes s4 d8 s s4 d
> }
> III = \context Voice \relative c' {
>   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "harpsichord"
>   \offset
>   \stemUp g8\4 g16\4 a\3 bes\3 g\4 bes8\3 g4\4 g\4 fis8\4 s s s g4
>   r16 g d'8 r16 f, s8 g r16 f s8 g16 f f8\4 bes g c a\4
>   g8. s s s s a16 g8. fis16 g8 s16 c a d g,8 s
>   s4 bes8 a g4 a c bes16. c32 d16 bes
>   a4 s g s g8 s s s s s
>   s4. s4 ees'16 d c bes a s s4
>   s2 s4 g8 a f c'16 bes a8 a <b g>4
> }
> IV = \context Voice \relative c' {
>   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "harpsichord"
>   \stemDown g,4\6 g8\6 g\6 g\6 g16\6 a\6 bes\6 g\6 bes\6 c\5 d8\5 d\5 ees\5 
> d16\5 bes\6 c8\5 c\5
>   g\6 r16 g\6 d'8 r16 c r16 g\6 d'8 r16 c r bes\6 s8 g'\4 ees c4
>   r16 g32\6 a\6 bes\6 c d16 ees c32 d ees f g16 a f32 g a bes c16 r bes,32\6 
> c d ees f16\5 s c d8 ees16 c g' c, d bes\6 c8 f16 bes\4
>   ees, bes\6 ees f g bes,\6 c d g,16.\6 a32\6 bes16\6 g\6 d'16. ees32 f16 d 
> c16. d32 ees16 c g8.\6 g16\6
>   d'8. d16 c16. d32 ees16 c g16.\6 a32\6 bes16\6 g\6 a\6 bes\6 c d g,\6 c b\6 
> c g8\6 c16 f\5 bes,\6 ees8 bes16\6
>   c d ees16. d32 c16 bes\6 g8\6 d' c16 d f g d8 g,4\6
>   a32\6 g\6 a16\6 g\6 d' ees8 c d bes\6 c a\6 bes\6 c d d g,4\6
> }
> \score {
>   <<
>     \new TabStaff = "guitar tab" <<
>      \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(7 2 -3 -7 -12 -17)
>      %\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(7 2 -3)
>       %%\override TabStaff.Stem   #'transparent = ##t
>       %%\override TabStaff.Dots   #'transparent = ##t
>       \set TabStaff.tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format
>       \override TabStaff.TabNoteHead   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . .3)
>       \set Score.defaultBarType = "empty"
>       \context TabVoice = "I" {\I }
>       \context TabVoice = "II" {\II }
>       %\context TabVoice = "III" {\III }
>       %\context TabVoice = "IV" {\IV }
>     >>
>     \new TabStaff = "guitar tab" <<
>       \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(7 2 -3 -7 -12 -17)
>       %\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(-7 -12 -17)
>       %%\override TabStaff.Stem   #'transparent = ##t
>       %%\override TabStaff.Dots   #'transparent = ##t
>       \set TabStaff.tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format
>       \override TabStaff.TabNoteHead   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . .3)
>       \set Score.defaultBarType = "empty"
>       %\context TabVoice = "I" {\I }
>       %\context TabVoice = "II" {\II }
>       \context TabVoice = "III" {\III }
>       \context TabVoice = "IV" {\IV }
>     >>
>   >>
>   \layout { }
>   \midi {
>          }
>   }
> There was a small bug, i did not try to figure out - it would not 
> automatically select the 6th string, so i had to mark all of them, otherwise 
> writing the text rather quick.
> alexander
> To get on or off this list see list information at

the next auto-quote is:
The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is
a duty of the living to do so for them.
(Lois McMaster Bujold)
Peter Nightingale                  Telephone (401) 874-5882
Department of Physics, East Hall   Fax (401) 874-2380
University of Rhode Island         Kingston, RI 02881

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