I'm suspecting that the real question Peter raised is being skirted by
the respondents' reaction to the supposition of a charge
of dilettantism. Now that I've caught up a little, I see that he isn't
necessarily saying that lutenists tending to dilettantism is bad, just
that other musicians' (and possibly the public's) opinion of lutenists
may be suffering due to the lack of single-focus pros.

That makes this a PR question, rather than a historical or technique question.

For my part, I guess I've never felt that it was a problem. When I
find a piece of music which includes lute, my music-making associates
are more than happy to play it with me. None of them consider my lack
of professional credentials. The people I know who have taken up lute
never have given a second thought to whether the lutenist they heard
who got them 'on the path' was professionally rated above the
currently-esteemed violin meister.

Quite the contrary, the lute seems to make its own following, and the
archlute and theorbo and all the other variants have no problem
drawing the unsuspecting guitarist in...


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