On Feb 22, 2009, at 4:40 PM, Bernd Haegemann wrote:

>> I think this piece is in Saizenay...
> As it seems for the CNRS concordance list
> it is in not in Saiz. but in "Livre de Tablature...
> which version they print.
> So if you have a special doubt, just ask..

My doubts are not special. :-)

I got a nice facsimile (#12) from Roman's tombeau site which is from
Perrine. Now that I look at it, I see it is quite a different piece.
Unfortunately, that is the only one with the name Mezangeau there.

Livre de Tablature would be the Denis Gaultier source, which I have a
copy of.

I'm just trying to figure out what this print out I have is based on.
It says Perrine p. 3-4. I'd just like to check the original. Lovely
piece for a beginner like me, but I have some questions.
In both versions the first measure is just 2 beats and the last
measure of the first part is 2 beats. Okay. However, in the print out
there is a first and 2nd ending measure which differs in length. I
wonder what the Perrine had there. In the Gaultier there are no first
and second endings but a 2 beat last bar (of the first section) and
the second section is all 4. Isn't this somewhat strange to have a
different measure structure in a 2 part piece? I never saw a case
like that before. Of course there are some rhythmic flags missing in
the first bar of the second section.

> Does anyone have a scan of the facsimile of Perrine 1680 p.3-4
> handy that they could send me?
> I have a computerized print out version of Perrine that I think
> came from Richard Civol's site. I think there might be a mistake or
> two and a line is missing from one system so I would like to see
> the original.
> And are there any other versions of Tombeau de Mezangeau besides
> the one in Livre du luth. publ. by Denis Gaultier?

Ed Durbrow
Saitama, Japan


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