Two days a week I teach guitar. For my really young pupils and their
mothers (fathers?) I made a few videos explaining and showing basic
techniques and exercises. These children are too young to remember my
instructions for the week in between lessons, are often awed or
distracted in the lessons anyway, and when mothers want to help at
home they are at a loss because they don't know what or how either.
The results are pretty good so far: little kids starting a discussion
on correct guitar technique with me in stead of talking about their
game computer, they at least _know_ how it should be done and will
produce correct technique when asked (it's not that hey suddenly have
become great guitar players, of course), I can skip some of the
repetitive explanations in the lessons and somehow the upils take me
more seriously when I ask them to play with 'correct' technique.
YouTube is their world and they take that more seriously than some
adult who is trying to teach them guitar. Even if the guy on YouTube
is the same adult who's trying to teach them guitar ... Weird world.
If I take the trouble of telling them even on YouTube how it how it
should be done, I must be right after all, something like that.  And,
for many, I'm suddenly 'cool' because I'm on YouTube. ;-) Some of the
little older kids (10 to 12ish) think I'm silly and make a fool of
myself, though they still see the point, and some adults definitively
think I am making a fool of myself. I can't blame them, looking at
myself, but it's an experiment and I'm willing to be the fool if it
serves a good purpose.
The videos are in Dutch, aimed at kids of 6 to 8 (max) years old, but
you can get an idea of what it's about:



On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Rob MacKillop
<> wrote:
>   This is all good food for thought. I'm sure there are players on this
>   list who could help. For thumb under technique I would look at Valerie
>   Sauvage's videos. I don't play thumb under myself, in fact I find it
>   impossible. A close up video would indeed be helpful. I'll try to do
>   some videos later, although my technique is probably not worth looking
>   at too closely. No matter how many treatises I read on technique, no
>   matter how much sound advice I get from professional players and
>   teachers, I still end up, for better or worse, playing and sounding
>   like me - I'm stuck with me. So maybe I won't be making technique
>   videos, but I hope to help in other areas.
>   Rob MacKillop
>   --
> To get on or off this list see list information at

David van Ooijen

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