On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Eugene C. Braig IV <brai...@osu.edu> wrote: > [Eugene C. Braig IV] Frankly, nor has any single temperament scheme. Every
New idea: combining temperaments! In my 'hard-core' hip group we are doing that, actually. A quote from the schedule with info for this month: "We will continue to explore combining "just Intonation" of winds, strings and singers with 1/6 comma meantone in the harpsichord and lute." As the pieces on the programme are in different keys, that means shifting the wolf in between. I haven't figured out if and how it might work for me this month, but I saw I might have to tune B#-s for the Vivaldi in b-minor, brrr. David - trying not to think of coming weekend's rehearsals and concerts yet: tuning mayhem! -- ******************************* David van Ooijen davidvanooi...@gmail.com www.davidvanooijen.nl ******************************* To get on or off this list see list information at http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html