Look for an iPhone microphone adapter. Works on both iPod touch and iPhone. I have one from griffin, can't remember what it's called, but it is a quality mic. Checked meantone against my friend's $2,000 tuning machine on the harpsichord and it worked.

Shaun Ng

On 15/06/2009, at 17:27, David van Ooijen <davidvanooi...@gmail.com> wrote:

Anyone know where we can get a contact mike with the 3.5mm jack

Korg and Seiko (STM-20) have contact mics. Shouldn't be a problem
finding a converter from large jack to 3.5mm jack.

My friend's iPhone's (I have no idea about versions) mic worked ok for
the tuner, by the way.


that the
iPhone and iPod Touch require? Nothing pops in Google.

Regards, Gordon

-----Original Message-----
From: lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu [mailto:lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu] On
Behalf Of kidneykut...@gmail.com
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 7:28 PM
To: David van Ooijen
Cc: gor...@gordongregory.co.uk; lute-cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Apple Tuning Applet

  I tried it on my "original" iPhone without an external mic.
  I'll be getting the new 3GS soon and hopefully it will work better.
On Jun 14, 2009 12:56pm, David van Ooijen <davidvanooi...@gmail.com>
  > Dear Gordon
  > I posted this a few days ago:
  > http://www.bitcount.com/cleartune/index.html
  > I saw my colleage in the orchestra use it today. Programmable, a
> set of build-in temperaments, easy to use, accurate. Did I mention
  > cheap? Yes, you need to buy an iPhone or iPod.
  > There's no contact mic. But there is a conversation going on with
  > developper. We'd like to see a (bluetooth?) wireless contact mic.
  > Don't wait for it though.
  > >   .        Has any one used it? How did it perform?
  > It's very good.
  > --
  > *******************************
  > David van Ooijen
  > davidvanooi...@gmail.com
  > www.davidvanooijen.nl
  > *******************************
  > To get on or off this list see list information at
  > http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
  > --

David van Ooijen

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