On Thu, Jul 16, 2009, Ivo Jancík <iv...@trabant.cz> said:

> Hello everybody.
> I have a tuning problem with my lute, which I don't know how to solve. I have 
> got 8-course lute, G-tuning, 572 mm bridge to nut. My fifth course (C) 
> consists of Nylgut 56 and wounded NG 112D (octave difference). After fine 
> tuning the "untouched" course (both in tune, c+C), the problem appears when 
> playing the course on 2nd, 3rd etc fret. The unwounded string remains in 
> tune, but the wounded one gets out of tune (sounds significantly higher, than 
> it should). 

Begin with a sanity check, if this is a new problem showing up on an old
instrument, what has changed?  new strings?  are they mounted reasonably? 
you can adjust some issues in action height by adjusting the loop at the
bridge.  Sometimes a string wont be set properly in its nut groove.  You
should measure and write down the height of the action near the body;  if
this changes more than a mm you may have a physical problem needing

Stopping any string raises its tension slightly, keeping the action low
mitigates this; sound to me as if your octave is either positioned too
high or sized so it comes to pitch at too high a tension.

Are you certain this is the only affected string?  Could be the frets are
not as well graduated as they should be, could be the neck is out of
alignment and the action is high at higher frets.

Dana Emery

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