The plate number will give you the edition, start in the M2s and
     M3s, most of the editions with plate numbers are there
     Standard eds usu. from earlier eds such as 1926-1932.
     Editions:Carl Maria von Weber: Musikalische Werke: erste kritische
     Gesamtausgabe, ed. H.J. Moser; ii/1, ed. A. Lorenz (Augsburg, 1926),
     ii/2, ed. W. Kaehler (Augsburg, 1928), ii/3, ed. L.K. Mayer
     (Brunswick, 1932) [only 3 vols. pubd] [WG]Reliquienschrein des
     Meisters Carl Maria von Weber, ed. L. Hirschberg (Berlin, 1927)
     [HR]Carl Maria von Weber: Saemtliche Werke, ed. G. Allroggen (Mainz,
     1998) [WSW]
     At 09:49 AM 9/1/2009, you wrote:

     I am suddenly in the posession of a piano arrangement of Carl Maria
     von Weber's Der Freishuetz. It's an old edition, I guess 19th
     Der Freischuetz was composedin 1821, btw. I am curious how old and
     where it was printed. It looks like plate (copper?) press, pages
     31,5cm wide x 24,3cm high. Watermark is big and has, apart from a
     motto in Latin, the Dutch word Vryheid. The list of characters is
     headed with the Dutch word 'personen'. Every page has the
     number (?) 1719 as a footer. Any idea where I should be looking?
     David - not going to make a lute arrangement
     David van Ooijen
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