
   Hi Ed,

   My browser opens the file correctly (Windows XP, internet explorer).
   but often at Gerbodes site I gut the same gargage, when I clicked at
   the file to open it. Please try:
   a) click at the link, chose not "open" the file, but "store" first and
   try then
   b) go to the next higher site level, e.g.

   mark the file, rightclick to get the and chose "store target at". If
   the Browse menue opens, ensure that the file extension (ft3 or ft2) is
   correct. Sometimes it must be corrected. Then press store and
   afterwards try to open the file.

   I hope it will do

   Best wishes


   ----- Original Message -----

   From: [2]Ed Durbrow

   To: [3]Karl-L. Eggert ; [4]LuteNet list

   Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 11:08 PM

   Subject: [english 100%] Re: [LUTE] Re: [english 100%] Black Cow.

     This file

   On Nov 7, 2009, at 4:20 AM, Karl-L. Eggert wrote:

   Hi Neil

   and this one
   In 1551 there is only one Branle simple with Diminution:
   show up like this:
S{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs-22 Adrian Le Roy\par
E*yyCBar<y300139 *+-?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?EURy30111309 *+-?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?yEUR'OE/-E
URy23100109 *+-?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?th~'{EURy0321309 *+-?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?y} fEURy013
3021300139 *+-?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?EURy30220002029 *+-?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?EURy30230
1013    9 *+-?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?  EURy30111309 *+-?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR
?EURy23100109 *+-?EUR?EUR?EUR?EUR?
in my browser.

   Ed Durbrow
   Saitama, Japan



   2. mailto:edurb...@sea.plala.or.jp
   3. mailto:karl.l.egg...@t-online.de
   4. mailto:lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
   5. http://www.gerbode.net/ft2/composers/Bakfark/czarna_krowa.ft3
   7. mailto:edurb...@sea.plala.or.jp
   8. http://www9.plala.or.jp/edurbrow/

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