>    Hi Wolfgang,
>    The nut on each of my lutes looks like ivory or bone - pure white.

there are superdense plastics witht he same look.  You can distinquish by
smell, disengage the nut and make a scratch on the underside where i wont
show or disturb the fit.

>    I don't know their gauges.  I have a micrometer but it's in
>    thousands-of-an-inch rather than mm;

1 in= 25.4 mm  use excel spreadsheet to convert.  A metric micrometer is
calibrated differently from an imperial one, be most careful taking
readins from it.  I prefer to use a slide caliper myself, less likely to
squash the string for a false reading.

When measuring strings avoid places that are prone to distortion - near
the nut, near the knot.  If you have a goodly length you can make loops
and measure several parts simultaneously (less likely to squish).

>  I think I need to purchase one in mm.

thats the way they are sold mostly.  The conversion is easy.
Dana Emery

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