On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Monica Hall <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:

> Getting on with the job doesn't wholly justify something which is wholly
> inappropriate

Wholeheartedly agreed. My job for these 20-odd years includes playing
Monteverdi's Maria Vespers a number of times every year; it's safe to
say I've played it something like 100 to 150 times by now. Do I want
everything, or just my contribution, to be to up to date with my
current knowledge of HIP every time, or do I want to give the
conductor a chance and give his ideas a try? In practical reality I
usually end up doing a bit of both. Over the years I learn, both in
what is the latest fashion in HIP, and what works in various churches,
with various ensembles, fellow lute players, choirs, soloist,
conductors' ideas and whatnot. B-guitar works for me in a number of
movements, and I see no reason why not to use it, but I am open to
your arguments.


David van Ooijen

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