EMA Summer Workshop Scholarships Early Music America is pleased to be able to offer scholarships ($500 each) to students attending early music workshops in the United States and Canada. The scholarships are open to high school, undergraduate, or graduate students, enrolled full time in the spring term of application for the scholarship. Applicants may be of any nationality studying in a North American institution or North American citizens studying abroad. Eligible workshops include any North American workshop sponsored or endorsed by a major early music organization, such as (but not limited to): American Recorder Society, Amherst Early Music, Aston Magna, Country Dance & Song Society, Early Music Vancouver, Historic Brass Society, Historical Harp Society, Lute Society of America, Oberlin Baroque Performance Institute, San Francisco Early Music Society, Viola da Gamba Society of America. All materials must be received in the Early Music America office by April 15. Because other materials are needed, please print out the [1]online application and send it to the EMA offices. Other required materials include a Statement of Sponsorship (letter of recommendation) from a professional music teacher, signed; 3 copies of an essay (no more than 300 words); 3 copies of a 15-minute CD, demonstrating the applicant's performance on the instrument/voice to be studied; and 3 copies of the list of pieces included on the CD on regular letter size paper. Winners are chosen by judges selected by the EMA Early Music in Higher Education Committee and announced on May 15. At least six winners and an alternate will be selected this year. Each scholarship consists of $500 plus one year's Student Membership in EMA. The number of scholarships awarded each year depends on the amount donated by generous patrons. An EMA membership will also be awarded to each winner's sponsoring teacher.
Nancy Carlin Associates P.O. Box 6499 Concord, CA 94524 USA phone 925/686-5800 fax 925/680-2582 web site - [2]www.nancycarlinassociates.com Representing: FROM WALES - Crasdant & Carreg Lafar, FROM ENGLAND - Jez Lowe & Jez Lowe & The Bad Pennies, FROM SPAIN - La Musgana and now representing EARLY MUSIC - The Venere Lute Quartet, Paul Beier, The Good Pennyworths & Morrongiello & Young Administrator THE LUTE SOCIETY OF AMERICA web site - [3]http://LuteSocietyofAmerica.org -- References 1. http://cts.vresp.com/c/?EarlyMusicAmerica/2318735387/6a54fe7484/6a88f893eb 2. http://www.nancycarlinassociates.com/ 3. http://lutesocietyofamerica.org/ To get on or off this list see list information at http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html