No doubt the lute was part of the compositional process as Jessie Ann
   Owens asserts, and it is difficult to draw any definitive conclusion
   about the exact role of the instrument from the brief bits of
   information in the letters concerning Palestrina. One detail that might
   make some difference to the way we interpret the documents, however, is
   that the term used in the letter is "porre sul liuto," translated by
   Strunk as "to set on the lute" but literally "to place on the lute". In
   sixteenth-century Italian usage, this is the common equivalent of what
   we now would express as "to intabulate". Galilei, for example, writes
   more precisely in his Fronimo and uses the phrase "intavolare sul
   liuto" for the same thing. Strunk's translation is misleading inasmuch
   as "to set" in English can be construed as part of the compositional
   act.  Hence, I think it is quite reasonable to conclude that the
   wording implies that music composed in some other way was "fitted to
   the lute". The phrase at the end of the quote makes it clear that the
   process was not a simple linear progression from composition to
   intabulation, but that the process involved aural judgment, revision,
   correction, etc. the lute very much a part of the composer's toolkit.

   On 25/02/2010, at 12:29, David Tayler wrote:

   I think Howard is right on as far as the process goes. I don't think we
   can rule out the lute in any way based on this quote a far as being
   part of the compositional process. It may have been used for thematic
   material, for harmony, or any number of things, but it looks like a
   direct reference.
   The lute would not have had to play the full polyphonic web to be used
   as a compositional etch-a-sketch.
   At 05:09 PM 2/24/2010, you wrote:

     \On Feb 24, 2010, at 4:13 PM, John Griffiths wrote:

     > the evidence about Palestrina and the lute suggests not that he

     >   composed on the lute, but that he intabulated his new
     compositions and

     >   tested them on the lute before releasing them.

     I'm not sure what "tested" or "released" would mean in this context,
     but at least in English translation, the letter from Annibale
     Capello to Duke Guglielmo Gonzaga of Mantua of 18 October 1578 seems
     to say Palestrina was using the lute to compose:

     "Having passed recently through a serious illness and being thus
     unable to command either his wits or his eyesight in the furtherance
     of his great desire to serve Your Highness in whatever way he can,
     M. Giovanni da Palestrina has begun to set the Kyrie and Gloria of
     the first mass on the lute, and when he let me hear them, I found
     them in truth full of great sweetness and elegance. [] And as soon
     as his infirmity permits he will work out what he has done on the
     lute with all possible care.

     This seems to say that Palestrina had composed on the lute, and
     would expand it into the vocal parts as soon as he got well.  The
     Duke apparently thought that Capello meant to say that Palestrina
     was writing lute music, as two drafts of a letter from a ducal
     official to Capello that Jeppeson found in Gonzaga show, or at least
     thats how Jessie Ann Owens reads them.  The first one says:

     "His Highness [the Duke] commands that Your Lordship [Capello] tell
     Messer Giovanni di Palestrina that he should take care to get well
     and not hurry to set to the lute the Kyrie and the Gloria with other
     compositions, because having at hand many other talented men [i.e.
     in Mantua, I think] there is no need for compositions for lute, but
     instead for compositions made with great care."

     The second draft says Capello should tell Palestrina that he "not
     hurry to set the Masses to the lute, since [the Duke] desires that
     they employ imitation throughout and be written on the chant"

     This is all at pages 292-293 of "Composers at work" which I pulled
     up on Google books by searching "jessie ann owens"  palestrina lute.


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   Professor John Griffiths FAHA
   Early Music Studio, School of Music, The University of Melbourne 3010,
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   mob +61 421 644 911
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