On Sat, 3/20/10, Christopher Stetson <[1]cstet...@smith.edu> wrote:

     PLEASE!  I do NOT need another reason to wish I lived

     in San Francisco!

   I'll second that. I just returned from a trip to the States day before
   yesterday. I had a lovely evening at the house of Nancy Carlin last
   Sunday where I could experience her Orpharion first hand and hear Dan
   Winheld play in person as well as the duo of Howard and Doris. A
   delightful experience. You can never have enough lute, that is what I
   say. S.F. area rocks! Err gently sways... whatever the metaphor is for
   lute-friendly is.

   Ed Durbrow
   Saitama, Japan



   1. mailto:cstet...@smith.edu
   2. mailto:edurb...@sea.plala.or.jp
   3. http://www9.plala.or.jp/edurbrow/

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