It's interesting, and I suppose to be expected, that we scrutinize
   those things that are dear to us, and disregard the rest..

   I haven't seen the movie, but I am bold enough to hazard a guess that
   almost every aspect of the movie was incorrect: the clothes; the
   haircuts; the sets; the dialog; the accents, etc., etc..  It would be
   virtually impossible to get all the details correct.  But what stands
   out?  The lute is too small.

   I don't mean to sound like I'm picking on you, Gary, because I do the
   same thing.  Imagine watching a movie with me that has a guitar player
   in it, and you might think of lines like:
   'Did you see that? He's not really playing'
   'On that close-up those were someone else's hands.'
   'Look, the guitar/mic isn't even plugged in.'
   'Hey, you can still hear her play even when her hands aren't on the



   From: Gary Digman <>
   Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 4:02:38 AM
   Subject: [LUTE] Re: lute sighting
     I just saw the new "Robin Hood" with Russell Crowe. Indeed there are
     scenes with a small lute. One small point however, in one scene of
     people of Nottingham at a party/dance outdoors the band consists of
     small lute, one recorder, one vielle and percussion. It's late in the
     party and the revellers have been drinking. The crowd is very noisy,
     but the lute can be heard above the din as if it were the lead guitar
     in a rock band. Only in the movies.
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