Dear Shaun,

   I was just looking for these as well. As far as I know there are no
   translations, but Bartolomi, Fleury and Grenerin are more or less
   understandable from their music examples alone (helped by a very basic
   knowledge of French).

   Are you looking for Campion's 1716 treatise (in which he talks about
   harmony and accompaniment in general) or the "Addition au traite
   d'accompaniment"  from 1730 (which is much larger, and contains more
   specific info about theorbo, lute and guitar)? If the latter, there is
   an article by Kevin Mason: Franc,ois Campions Secret of Accompaniment
   for the Theorbo, Guitar and Lute. This is in Journal of LSA, Vol XIV
   (1981). Mason sums up Campion's main points.

   You can find a modern edition of Grenerin here:

   I think there might be some mistakes in it, but I haven't been able to
   get hold of the facsimile to check it. In LSA Journal Vol XIX (1986)
   you can find a review of the facsimile edition, again by Kevin Mason,
   which contains some interesting information.

   Good luck, and let me know if you find anything else!


   2010/10/30 Shaun Ng <[2]>

       Dear All,
       Does anyone happen to know if there are English translations of
       following treatises and if they are available (either original or
       translation) online?
       Angelo Michele Bartolotti: Table pour apprendre facilement `a
       le theorbe sur la basse-continue (Paris, 1669)
       Franc,ois Campion: Traite d'accompagnement et de composition selon
       regle des octaves de musique, op.2 (Paris, 1716/R)
       Henry Grenerin: Livre de theorbe contenant plusieurs pieces sur
       differents tons, avec une nouvelle methode tres facile pour
       `a jouer sur la partie les basses continues et toutes sortes dairs
       Thanks very much in advance.
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