You mean this

That's my Tieffenbrucker under construction in 2003.


On Mon, 6 Dec 2010 12:05:39 +0100, "Paolo Busato" <>
> Thank you Martin! Instead I'm thinking of the 51 ribbed Tieffenbrucker 
> theorbo in the time of the 4th piece for little orchestra by A. Webern
> (less 
> than 30"!) :^))))
> Paolo Busato lute-maker
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> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Martin Shepherd" <>
> To: "Lute List" <>
> Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 11:32 AM
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: How to make a lute in five minutes
>> Thanks, Paolo, that's lovely.  But I do wonder if it's a competition - 
>> what next?  A 35-rib theorbo in the time it takes to play Mrs Winter's 
>> Jump?  I'm working on it....
>> Martin
>> On 05/12/2010 21:32, Paolo Busato wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> This is my contribution to the topic. Two lute bowls in one minute 
>>> (background music played by Jacopo Gianninoto):
>>> Enjoy!
>>> Paolo Busato lute-maker
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>>> and any attachments and contact the sender. (Italian Law 196/2003)
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Shepherd" 
>>> <>
>>> To: "Lute List" <>
>>> Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 11:03 AM
>>> Subject: [LUTE] How to make a lute in five minutes
>>>>  (with a little help from Francis Cutting):
>>>> ....and considerable hindrance from Windows Movie Maker.
>>>> Lots of questions about how to do "proper video" coming up....
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Martin
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