On 21/01/2011 22:41, wikla wrote:
Just a not so important comment: there are many genres of music. One of the
not most common must be this "ethnocentric-neo-baroque". Actually to me
already Stravinsky composed some "neo-baroque" music (Pulcinella for ex.),
so the baroquenism of the 21th century perhaps should be called
"neo-neo-baroque" or alternatively "neobaroquenism"? And with some added
ethnocentrism perhaps the style could be named "ethnoneobaroquenism"?

Just a thought...


Good point! If Stravinsky is "neo-Baroque" (and "neo-classical"), as it is customarily designated, then music like Paulo's must be pastiche or hommage.


On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:17:58 -0500, "Roman Turovsky"
<r.turov...@verizon.net>  wrote:
On 21/01/2011 11:52, Roman Turovsky wrote:
"Entrada do Mrqs.Pombal" by Paulo Galvão
is finally on Youtube

A very assured performance and presentation. I tried to find out
about Marco Meloni but there are many people with that name, so I didn't
He seems to be from Sardegna.

I tried to play some of Paulo's guitar pieces a few years ago. He writes
some very attractive neo-Baroque (or pastiche?) music. This Entrada
like it's referencing Bach allemandes to me. He has also written some
Vivaldi-like music.
His music is so Iberian that the term pastiche is non applicable anymore.
Ethnocentricm redeems.

But Paulo's music is not easy. I'll partly blame my rather poor guitar
I found the music too challenging.

Paulo's music seemed to me as if it was written for an instrument with
basses (but I don't think I'm hearing Marco Meloni with bourdons on
and there were never any campanellas.
I'm pretty sure Paulo wanted to avoid cliches.

But  Marco Meloni gives very impressive and convincing performances of
Paulo's music.


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