There is an autograph letter from Melchior Newsidler to Wilhelm II, Duke of
Bavria.  It's reproduced in my article in the Festschrift for John Ward
(Music and Context, ed. Anne Dhu Shapiro).  I read the signature as
"Melchior Newsidler." The letter is in German.  In his Italian prints which
personally supervised (he was in Venice with Philippe Camerarius, the
friend of Lutheran), the spelling on titlepage and within is "Neysidler."
He and
Camerarius, who had just been released by the Inquisition, hauled the books
back to Germany over the Alps during a blizzard. They left in December or

You need to be careful, Martin, because Melchior can jump off
the page and bite you.  You've published some pieces from Paris, Ms. Rés
in your pieces of the week.  The first part of that fascicle manuscript is
in the hand of MN.  You seem most interested in the pieces in the second
half, so maybe that's why you escaped.  Watch out when you look at Mus Ms
266 in Munich: the first fascicle is also in MN's hand.

The two parts of Rés 429 are  many years apart.  The first MN part perhaps
1570, and the second ca. 1546 with much copied directly from the Naples FdaM
print (someone didn't like Neapolitan tablature).  That's how the Naples
pieces got into the HUP edition, although the Sulzbachius print hadn't been
discovered then.

A former owner's signature is on the cover. Perhaps the person who had two
such disparate manuscripts bound together. The signature reads "Orazio de
Michi," doubtlessly  the famous harpist.  Hmm?  Playing from Italian lute
tablature?  Why not?  It's easy to do. And there's so little harp music back
then.  There's a 17th-century galliard in French tablature in Rés 429 which
I think Michi added to he
----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Shepherd" <>
To: "Lute List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:00 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: German tablature

I think Hans Newsidler and Melchior Neusidler on their title pages - modern
German maybe Neusiedler, anyone?


On 08/03/2011 18:09, Rob MacKillop wrote:
    Thanks, all. Newslider it is. Or Neuslider. many spellings,
    and which is used more in Germany?



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