My unedited dry acoustics direct version of La Montespan de Gallot (Barbe
p. 47):

Somehow I like "as is" versions and playing/player seen. I hope I do not
have too much expressions in my face... Perhaps I should have more
expressions in my playing, though... ;)


On Sat, 9 Apr 2011 08:51:04 -0400, Edward Mast <> wrote:
> "When you've seen one lute player hunched over his lute with a pained
> expression on his face, you've seen the lot.  But I agree it's
> to watch the hands at work, though that takes us into the realm of having
> someone else to control the camera."
> I absolutely agree with the first part of this statement.  I make the
> effort to sit up straight when playing; looks better and is, I'm sure,
> conducive to easy breathing.  Probably better for the back muscles, too. 
> But even so, when recording myself, I now show just my hands and the
> instrument, and find this easy to do with the camera set on a tripod - no
> other help needed to control the camera. 
> Regarding concert hall sound, I often find the sound of recordings
> presented here and on youTube - when NOT artificially enhanced - more
> realistic than most commercial recordings.  (Martin, your recorded sound
> seems quite fine to me).  But then, I don't find the concert hall a
> setting for lute music.   I know that this is a very subjective issue,
> many will disagree with me on it.
> -Ned
> On Apr 9, 2011, at 5:02 AM, Martin Shepherd wrote:
>> Hi Stuart,
>> My comments are below yours:
>> On 08/04/2011 22:01, Stuart Walsh wrote:
>>> Just to get things in perspective though, roughly how much are the gut
>>> basses - e.g.  the fourth - seventh courses?
>> On this lute I had a plain gut 4th course, Larson pistoys on 5th and
>> and a Larson gimped string on 7th.  Dan's prices are on his website.  I
>> would expect the 7th course to last more or less forever and the 6th to
>> last a very long time, the 5th less so because it is fingered so much,
>> but because I had an octave on the 5th it is only one expensive string.
>> I have been using Sofracob for the thinner strings, which were amazingly
>> cheap (i.e. probably cheaper than nylon) as well as good.  Sadly they
>> went out of business last year, and most other suppliers seem to be much
>> more expensive.
>>> I agree that it is interesting to see people actually playing. But
>>> performance, I think, is yet another skill as well as actually playing
>>> the music as musically as you are able. I suppose you could ignore the
>>> performance aspect of performance (body language, composure, movement, 
>>> maybe eye contact with camera etc etc). But would  you really wouldn't
>>> want to ignore all that that any more than ignore the musical aspects
>>> the music (i.e.just stolidly sounding the notes)?
>> When you've seen one lute player hunched over his lute with a pained
>> expression on his face, you've seen the lot.  But I agree it's
>> interesting to watch the hands at work, though that takes us into the
>> realm of having someone else to control the camera.
>>> Another problem is that more a more people are using recording devices
>>> and adding a touch of reverb. I think this is really good as most
>>> are just recording at home and not in a beautiful acoustic. But it just
>>> looks bizarre to see someone in their living room, sounding like they
>>> are in a concert hall.
>> Yes, I've often had the same thought, though I prefer the concert hall
>> sound, even if artificially produced.  Perhaps we need less views of the
>> living room, better lighting, etc.
>>> Stuart
>>>> On 08/04/2011 18:26, wikla wrote:
>>>>> Very beautiful!
>>>>> But I would also very much like to _see_ the player and playing -
>>>>> important
>>>>> part of performance... at least to me.
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Arto
>>>>> On Fri, 8 Apr 2011 13:05:55 +0200, "G. Crona"<> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Indeed you most successfully have Martin. I should also have added
>>>>>> excellent editor as well as a generous sharer of music and
>>>>>> In
>>>>>> short a compleat lutenist.
>>>>>> Cheers!
>>>>>> G.
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Martin Shepherd"<>
>>>>>> To: "Lute List"<>
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:56 PM
>>>>>> Subject: [LUTE] Re: new piece of the month
>>>>>>> Thanks, Goeran.
>>>>>>> We have debated on this list before the virtues or otherwise of
>>>>>>> "live"
>>>>>>> performance-type recordings as opposed to "perfect" commercial
>>>>>>> CD-type
>>>>>>> recordings.
>>>>>>> I don't like to hear blemishes (especially my own!) but at the same
>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> don't want to spend hours editing out every single one.  I usually
>>>>>>> do a
>>>>>>> couple of takes and use the best one, sometimes editing
>>>>>>> gruesome bits - but on the whole my best recordings have been
>>>>>>> takes, no edits.  If I were actually making a CD I think I would
>>>>>>> have to
>>>>>>> do lots of takes and lots of editing, but my main objective with
>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>> MP3s is just to share the music and demonstrate the sound of the
>>>>>>> lutes.
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> hope I have shown that gut strings can be used to good effect.
>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>>> On 08/04/2011 11:28, G. Crona wrote:
>>>>>>>> Cool Martin!
>>>>>>>> Did you record it all in one go or weed out mistakes in audacity
>>>>>>>> afterwards? You seem to be quite unique in the lute community in
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> BOTH build excellent lutes as well as being a very sensitive and
>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>> player.
>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>> G.
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Shepherd"
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> To: "Lute List"<>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 11:55 AM
>>>>>>>> Subject: [LUTE] new piece of the month
>>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>>> The new piece of the month is in the usual place:
>>>>>>>>> It's the last of a series of recordings I made with a Venere 7c
>>>>>>>>> lute
>>>>>>>>> (67cm, strung all in gut) before it went to its new owner.
>>>>>>>>> I hope you enjoy it.
>>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> To get on or off this list see list information at

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