>    The idea that, to take one composer at random, JS Bach would have
>    preferred a modern Bechstein grand is, of course, not new and this
>    sort of case was used from the earliest days of the revival of
>    interest in his music in the mid 19th century...
  True.  Obviously, Bach, and all other composers of their respective eras, 
used the available resources of their times, and the best exploited all 
of the tonal possibilities of their instruments.  I would not venture to say 
that Bach would have preferred  a Bechstein (I've seen it written that he 
actually preferred the clavichord to harpsichord because it could play a 
range of dynamics).  But I do think that, IF he had access to one AND IF 
he decided to write for it, he would have have exploited a Bechstein's tonal 
capabilities unlike anybody else.

>    --- On Tue, 12/7/11, David van Ooijen <davidvanooi...@gmail.com>
>    wrote:
>      From: David van Ooijen <davidvanooi...@gmail.com>
>      Subject: [LUTE] Re: What's the point to 'historical sound'
>      To: lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>      Date: Tuesday, 12 July, 2011, 15:13
>    On 12 July 2011 04:15,  <[1]t...@heartistrymusic.com> wrote:
>    > I think that, if the old masters had possessed effects, they
>    would have used them. .. and would have written different music
>    which would have utilised these effects. Which is the whole point
>    about HIP: using the means the old had at their disposal to create
>    a sound that could have been in their ears when they wre writing
>    their music. David -- ******************************* David van
>    Ooijen [2]davidvanooi...@gmail.com www.davidvanooijen.nl
>    ******************************* To get on or off this list see list
>    information at
>    [3]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
>    --
> References
>    1.
>    http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=t...@heartistrymusic.co
>    m 2.
>    http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=davidvanooijen@gmail.c
>    om 3. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

Tom Draughon
Heartistry Music
714  9th Avenue West
Ashland, WI  54806

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