   OK, so with all this talk of baroque lute being somewhat easy to play,
   I need to do something useful with my 10C baroque lute, once I get a
   proper set of strings for D minor tuning.  Does anyone have any
   recommendations for easy pieces with which to begin--  something easily
   accessible, both in terms of laying ones hands on and playing it.  I've
   checked out the items on Wayne's Baroque Lute tab page and some look
   and sound possibly do-able.  I'm not an accomplished lutenist on the
   ren lute, so ideas for something easy would be most appreciated.

   From: Thomas Walker <>
   Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 10:12 AM
   Subject: [LUTE] Mace
     Hey all,
     Interesting discussion.  I have to say, I'm with Sterling & Roman et
     on this one.  I started on renaissance lute (actually, guitar before
     that), and D minor baroque lute is still a secondary instrument for
       But if you can find the basses (most of us can with some patient
     work), there is a vast repertoire that is available, and much easier
     than most of Dowland, for instance.
     From my perspective, the hardest lute music is Italian, c. 1580-1620.
     Piccinini's music, straddling the two epochs, is unrelentingly
     difficult. The bass work isn't too bad (even Toccata XX from his 1623
     print doesn't demand too much of one's "thumb radar"), but the left
     hand work is brutal.
     Zamboni's music for archlute doesn't spend a lot of time below the
     or 10th course (I think most of it you could play on a veil ton 10c
     lute), but even as his textures are leaner than Weiss', the left hand
     work is considerably more demanding.  D minor works!
     Tom Walker, Jr.
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