Egad - another Dowland piece, just when I've decided to read through all the 
pieces in D. Poulton's collected works of Dowland.  But, one can never have too 
much Dowland!  Thank you, Ron.  On a related note, I'm grateful  to youtube and 
the accomplished players who post there.  Looking at Dowland's "Lachrimae" (15 
in the Poulton book) I was puzzled as to how to sustain the bflat on the sixth 
course through the end of the third measure while playing the the other two 
note chords above it.  Viewing a video of Andrea Damiani playing the piece, I 
saw his ingenious solution (ingenious to me - perhaps obvious to better 
players).  For those of us without access to teachers, youtube - in addition  
to lute net - is an especially invaluable source of information.  My continued 
gratitude to all who post there and here.

On Oct 19, 2011, at 5:08 PM, Ron Andrico wrote:

>   Dear Rainer:
>   So nice to hear from you.  I wrestled with whether I should fix that
>   measure and decided it works as it stands in the ms.  The absence of
>   tablature letters under the rhythm signs can either be treated in the
>   normal manner, as rests, or as tied notes after the initial syncopated
>   beginning.  The repeat does offer an alternative but, as mentioned
>   above, I think it works as it stands.  Thanks.
>   Best wishes,
>   RA
>> Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 21:07:27 +0200
>> To:
>> From:
>> Subject: [LUTE] Re: Lute matters
>> Dear Ron,
>> the rhythm in bar 33 of the Dowland piece is not correct - I think.
>> Cf. bar 41.
>> Rainer adS
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>   --

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