Hi Arto,

This doesn't answer your question but I had a bass lute built w/ a double chanterelle and found that it creates a slightly different paradigm. We're so used to the single chanterelle "singing" that it just becomes normal to our ears. The double, otoh, sounds like an extension of the 2nd course and, as such, more integrated w/ the other strings. It wouldn't be my first choice for a broken consort division lute or Borono's dance music but it sounds great in polyphonic compositions where you don't want to get distracted by the top string taking the attention.

Since Simon Gintzler came up the other day, I'll just say that as a top shelf lutenist, his ricercars and settings are perfect for this.

Then again, I haven't had a chance to try broken consort music w/ a double ch. so maybe I'd be pleasantly surprised.

If you do try it please get back to us with your impressions.

best wishes,

On Nov 19, 2011, at 8:10 AM, wikla wrote:

Dear collective wisdom,

is there any evidence of using double chanterelle on 6 course lutes?
(If memory serves, there is at least one liuto attiorbato stringed so.)


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