Agreed 200 percent !



== En réponse au message du 25-03-2012, 16:12:23 ==

>   It's already a few years I watch videos on youtube of lutenists (and
>   early guitarists).
>   I must say the number of recordings tripled in just a few years but to
>   be honest and not wanting to hurt anybody, some of the recordings are
>   very wrong if not moronic at all...
>   In between there are the "real" recordings which doesn't has a subtitle
>   like: "I was first reading the piece..." or "I just started to play the
>   lute a few minutes ago and I thought to record it..." or "I was tired
>   and the lute was miraculously out of tune..." or my favorite: "I tried
>   a different interpretation..."
>   What do you think, is it helpful to fill the YT with this things or:
>   lesser is better?

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