On 30 April 2012 20:34, Roman Turovsky <r.turov...@verizon.net> wrote: > JSB didn't play gamba either as evidenced by his reassignment of nicely > playable lute part in the MatthäusPassion to an impossible one for gamba in > the 2nd version. > Any gambist would tell you that that "gamba" part is pure hell.
Another blanket statement I beg to differ with, as my gamba friend are generally happy with the Suesses Kreuz aria and find it to work well on their instruments, however much I try to persuade them to give it back to me. ;-) But then again, some of these gambis must have played the piece hundreds of times over the years. It's remarkable, btw, how much the character of the aria changes when the obligato part is played on a lute. Easier, lighter, 'Suesser' as opposed to heavy, hard and 'Kreuzig'. I keep telling conductors, but playing Bach passions is another of those established habits enshrined in today's Early Music Esperanto. David - back to St. John -- ******************************* David van Ooijen davidvanooi...@gmail.com www.davidvanooijen.nl ******************************* To get on or off this list see list information at http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html