Dear lutenists,

yesterday Piccinini (see below), today Toccata by the little brother of the famous astronomer:

Also this Toccata has some interesting technical features: several times you need to finger frets b and f on neighboring courses! And there are also other quite tricky fingerings... My old lute teacher used to say that you should take the stretches as you do when yawning, not forcing anything. I think that was good advice!

All the best,


On 04/05/12 21:21, Arto Wikla wrote:
Ciao, dear lutenists,

I just tried to play the shortest and easiest lute Toccata by the Piccininis (father or son) - and even this is not at all easy... If interested, you'll find my try in
and also in

And then something ONLY to you, who actually play this piece: in my 10 courser I now have an octave up to the c-course: That really seems to solve a problem in voicing that I have wondered for years: the phrase in bars 15-22 works much better by this stringing - at least to my understanding!



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