Dear trj,

My first choice is always real gut but there are mitigating factors. Plan B, which includes most of my waking life and lutes, settles on the New Nylgut. I do find it much nicer than the previous incarnation. It's closer to gut's density, tunes (and stays) quicker (and longer) and looks nicer. Be warned, however, you'll need a thinner diameter than the old Nylgut as less of it wraps around the peg and more of it stays between the nut and bridge coming up to pitch.

Disclaimer #1. I've only used it about 2 months so there may be things I've yet to learn. Disclaimer #2. I have no connection to Aquila or other gut or synthetic string maker.

As for chanterelles, the mushroom, hedgehogs give close to the same flavor and cost a third of the price.


On May 9, 2012, at 10:57 AM, wrote:

I bought a 7c ren lute strung in Nylgut. I love the Nygut, except for the chanterelle, it just doesn't seem to feel or sing as strongly as I wish - it seems thin. Do others have this problem? If so any suggestions, I've thought of going back to a nylon (which would be thicker?). Thanks in advance trj

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