I have a 13 course lute that was built in New Zealand, and is now in SLC, Utah.

There's definitely a crack forming just to the right of the heart
decoration at the bottom of the soundboard (toward the treble side).
 I've got the dampit in there which I wet every other day (this is
what the maker recommended, there is a hole where the strap peg
usually goes, and a dampit fits), and then
two oasis case humidifers in the case.  I have a hydrometer that reads
around 50 all the time, or sometimes just below.

The action seems to be getting a bit higher.  Is it possible it's
cracking from too much humidity?

Is there something I can do to stop it?   I'm worried about it getting worse.

I just got this lute in February after waiting since 2007 to get one.
I'm really kind of bummed out about this.  Any help would be greatly

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