Years and years ago I put a pair of skate board wheels on my theorbo
case, and boy am I glad I did! TGV: theorbe a grande vitesse! What I
did was buy a (cheap) skateboard, change the supsension from a stiff
block of rubber intended to cushion a 10-year old to something softer
(I used layers of cut-out inner bicycle tubes). Remove part of the
inside cover, drill holes in my theorbo case, screw on the wheels,
make the holes water tight by glueing some vinyl (plascti bag) in the
inside, replace the inside cover. Simple as that. It needs a bit of
maintenacne once in while (tightening the screws or oiling the
wheels), but nothing serious. I don't own a car, so I wheel my theorbo
around uite a lot. With the other set of wheels I made a gamba player
happy. Friend of mine made a kind of contraption you can buy for
double basses: a little cart that holds the case, with big wheels on
either side of the case. It's bigger, heavier and cumbersome to
(dis)engage. My wheels just stay on the case. A triflle heavier when I
have to carry the case, but so much eaiser to wheel it around. Look at
those heavy cello (flight)cases with wheels for inspiration.


On 17 June 2012 18:12, richard brook <> wrote:
> Hi netters
> I wonder if anyone has used clamp on wheels for dragging  theorboes around 
> campuses etc.
> LIke with luggage, though you could remove them. I looked briefly  at a site 
> that sold something called E-Z wheels; Any experience with those?
> Thanks,
> Dick Brook
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David van Ooijen

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