On 17 July 2012 14:19, WALSH STUART <s.wa...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
>    I wonder if Brian's writing could be called 'modern romantic' or
>    something similar.

I leave that to the musicologists, I just play the stuff ...

>     Did you choose a different image for each section?
>    (I found the images a bit surprising) What is the (Oriental Wisdom)
>    text?

My friend listened to the nine movements and made nine pictures that
for her go well with the music. We had a lot of discussions and
back-and-forths with many trials and errors. The texts she chose from
Zhuang Zi, a 4th cent BC philosophical book from the Period of 100
Thoughts in China. I think strictly speaking it is not Taoism yet, but
Zhuang Zi is considered one of the foundations of Taoism. But I'm a
bit out of my depth on this too, I just read the stuff ... (here's an
on-line edition I am reading at the moment:
http://www.coldbacon.com/chuang/chuang.html )

>    Youtube is an audio-visual medium and I think it is really interesting
>    to explore sound and images and text.

Indeed, and I must say I take inspiration from your lovely videos.


>    Stuart
>    On 17 July 2012 06:35, David van Ooijen <[1]davidvanooi...@gmail.com>
>    wrote:
>      In May I played a piece by Brian Wright at the Lute Society meeting
>      in
>      London. I recorded it and a friend supplied beautiful pictures and
>      what I domestically call 'Oriental Wisdom'.
>      Have a look and tell me what you think of the result:
>      [2]http://youtu.be/cWX8YLCRmrw
>      David
>      --
>      *******************************
>      David van Ooijen
>      [3]davidvanooi...@gmail.com
>      [4]www.davidvanooijen.nl
>      *******************************
>      To get on or off this list see list information at
>      [5]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
>    --
> References
>    1. mailto:davidvanooi...@gmail.com
>    2. http://youtu.be/cWX8YLCRmrw
>    3. mailto:davidvanooi...@gmail.com
>    4. http://www.davidvanooijen.nl/
>    5. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html

David van Ooijen

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