(Semi) serious question.  What music was composed for this instrument
   outside Scotland? - Is it any good? (- the music from outside Scotland,
   that is).

   Second question - What did they call this instrument back in the day?
   Specifically, was it ever called "The English Guitar"?

   From: Rob MacKillop <robmackil...@gmail.com>
   To: Lute <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   Sent: Thursday, 31 January 2013, 8:50
   Subject: [LUTE] The English Guitar
     I'm no fascist, so if you want to discuss the so-called English
     I suggest you do so here, not in the thread of my video performance
     (which everyone except Martyn seems to have seen). I only ever said
     don't use my video thread to discuss the wider issues of the guittar.
     My reason for creating a separate thread is that it makes it easier
     me to avoid. The reason for avoiding the discussion is that there are
     few regulars here who cannot discuss anything without killing the
     subject for anyone who has a love for it.
     So, what is an English Guitar?
     Rob (exits stage left...)
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