Dear Bernhard (and dear List),

great introduction, great analysis, great listing of pieces, great played 
examples and great collection of the pieces by Berhandtzky!

Many, many thanks Bernhard!  :-)


On 21/02/13 14:14, Bernhard Fischer wrote:
Dear Lute Friends,

Over the last few days I have released six 'dilettante' recordings with
pieces originally composed for baroque lute by Rochus C. Berhandtzky.

According to my knowledge, this lutenist and composer Rochus Behandtky (c.
1660 - † ?) is widely unknown and has not been realised as major lutenist
figure of the 2nd half of 17th century in southern Germany (Bavaria). His
lute pieces survived in manuscripts in Kremsmünster (MS L83a) and Vienna (MS
7763/92) (both Austria).

I have prepared a short VC of Mr. Berhandtzky for you orientation:

Introducing: Rochus Berhandtzky (c. 1660 - † ?) - A lutenist at the Bavarian
Rochus Berhandtzky was born around 1660 in ‘Schwalbach’, however the exact
location of this village somewhere in Germany has not been confirmed so far.
On 1 September 1682 he became lutenist at the Bavarian Court in Munich. At
this time he was already married and father of children. His announcement as
’Court Lutenist’ followed shortly after he played in front of Maximilian II
Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria (1662 - 1726). He started his carrier with an
annual salary of 100 fl (Gulden); by 1686 his salary increased to 400 fl
p.a. From 1686 onwards Berhandtzky names himself as ‘Camer Lauttenist’
(Chamber lutenist).
In 1686 Rochus Berhantzky followed Maximilian II Emanuel to Austria and
Hungary. The royal entourage of the Elector of Bavaria from Munich to
Austria and Hungary included 797 persons and 1044 horses and nearly 100
carriages. Prominent members of this voyage were the military commander
General Johann Karl Count of Sereni and Marquis de St. Maurisse, both later
honoured by Berhandtzky with a Tombeau. The military commander General
Johann Karl Count of Sereni was born in 1640 and entered into the Bavarian
army in 1664. He managed a significant carrier and became one of the most
senior Bavarian military commanders by 1683. He died in 1691 in Munich after
serving his country and the Holy Roman Empire in numerous fights in Europe.
Due to financial shortage of Bavaria, Ruchus Berhandtzky was released from
the Bavarian Court in 1689 but shortly after reintroduced to the Bavarian
Court in 1690. In 1692 he amounted significant private debt and was again
released from the Court.
 From 1692, traces of Rochus Berhantzky became lost. One of his daughters
became a servant of Eleanore Maria of Austria (1653 - 1697) at the Royal
Court in Innsbruck (Tirol). Eventually, Berhandtzky followed his daughter -
but we do not know for sure.
At the zenith of his carrier as lutenist at the Bavarian Court, Rochus
Berhantzky cared for a household of nine persons including his wife,
children, parents and servants.
Part of his lute compositions survived in hand-written manuscripts in Vienna
and Kremsmünster (Austria).

According to my information / recherché following pieces survived in
Austrian manuscripts:

1. Prelude de R. Berhandtzky / d-moll / A-Wgm7763-92 / 2v
2. Allemande de R. Berhandtzky / d-moll / A-Wgm7763-92 / 6v
3. Courante de R. Berhandtzky / d-moll / A-Wgm7763-92 / 7v
4. Sarabande de R. Berhandtzky / d-moll / A-Wgm7763-92 / 8v
5. Sarabande de R. Berhandtzky / d-moll / A-Wgm7763-92 / 9v
6. Gavotte de R. Berhandtzky / d-moll / A-Wgm7763-92 / 10v
7. La funeste et Glorieux Tombeau de Mon(sei)g(neu)r le Marquis de St.
Maurisse. Gigue de R. Berhandzky / a-moll / A-KR83a / 42v
8. Tombeau du feu son E. Monsgr le General Sereni Allemande de R. Berhandski
/ f-moll / A-KR83a / 47v
9. Courente de R. Berhandski nomée la noble pensée / f-moll / A-KR83a / 48v
10. Sarab(ande) / f-moll / A-KR83a / 49v
11. Gavotte / f-moll / A-KR83a / 50r
12. Gigue / f-moll / A-KR83a / 50v
13. Rondeau / f-moll / A-KR83a / 51r
14. Le Tombeau de feu Madame la Daufine Allemande de R. Berhandzki / c-moll
/ A-KR83a / 51v
15. Cour(ante) / F-Dur /A-KR83a / 53v
16. Men(uet) / F-Dur / A-KR83a / 54r
17. Sarab(ande) / F-Dur / A-KR83a / 54v
18. Menue(t) /  F-Dur / A-KR83a / 54v
19. Men(uet) /  F-Dur / A-KR83a / 55r

I have recorded following pieces from the Vienna manuscript MS 7763/92:
Prelude de Rochus Berhandtzky:
Sarabande in d minor de Rochus Berhandtzky:
Sarabande in d minor de Rochus Berhandtzky:

I have recorded following pieces from the Kremsmünster manuscript MS 83a:
Tombeau du feu son E. Monsgr le General Sereni Allemande de R. Berhandski in
f minor:
Sarabande in f minor de Rochus Berhandtzky for Baroque Lute:
Rondeau in f minor de Rochus Berhandtzky for Baroque Lute:

I am very confident that more pieces can be found in sources from Munich
(Bavaria, Germany) and Innsbruck (Tirol, Austria).

I have re-written / collected all so far known 19 pieces of Rochus
Berhandtzky into an "Œuvre de Berhandtzky" lute book which is now available
for everyone from my baroque lute manuscript collection for free at:

If you discover pieces from Rochus Berhandtzky, please let me know.

Kind regards,
Bernhard (Vienna, Austria)

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