Sorry for starting a new thread, first of all, i have just joined the
   list so i can't reply to the original thread about nylgut strings.
   For all of you who don't know me, i'm the owner of Cuerdas Pulsadas
   ([1] and we had this issue about 10 months ago
   (strings break as soon as they were tuned).
   Finally, Aquila Corde confirm us that there was a production problem in
   some batches and gauges until 0.50 were affected. They send us new and
   fixed strings and then we send the replacements to our customers .
   After that, all strings from Aquila came with a little stick on the
   envelope in wich you can check the batch details (month and year, for
   And, most important, the probleam dissapears. We don't have any
   complaint since then. So, keep in mind that it was a specific issue and
   that it's already fixed.
   David Morales
   Cuerdas Pulsadas




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