Please do a search on the forum archives. Just this past week there was a
lot of discussion on recording by David Tayler (last Saturday for instance)
where he makes a number of recommendations on microphones from the high end
to the low end. Search for "Recording the lute" in the archives at:


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:13 AM
Subject: [LUTE] recording question for live lute playing

Hi, folks! I've just done an "introduction to the theorbo" video, and posted
it on Youtube/Facebook, etc. Please have a look - hope you enjoy it.

Now that I've had to create my own Youtube channel, I'm planning to try to
record some further lute/theorbo/vocal pieces.

I have a question/request for help from those who have either done
professional recording and/or Youtube videos in the past:

in your opinion, what mic or mics work best for recording lutes? It would
likely be a live thing with a video component, without extensive editing -
basically a park and play thing.

The space would probably be the church in which I recorded the theorbo
- it's very big and echo-y, but it's not bad for live recording, with the
right mic.

Anyhow, if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions about what has worked well
for them, I'd be grateful - best, Ben S

Watch "Ben and His Theorbo"
A new music video by James Howard!


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