Is that the Yamaha Guitalele?  Does that work as a beach/mountain instrument?


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Dan Winheld <>
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: Bream Collection... I just noticed
> Date: December 9, 2013 at 11:38:24 AM EST
> To: Geoff Gaherty <>
> Cc: Lute Dmth <>
> lutekulele?
> Geoff-  YOU WIN!
> On 12/9/2013 6:18 AM, Geoff Gaherty wrote:
>> On 09/12/13 8:34 AM, William Brohinsky wrote:
>>> I own an electric guitar, and a small subset of the amazingly wide and
>>>    varied tone-modifiers and other paraphernalia of electric-guitar use.
>>>    And yet, I also own two acoustic 6-strings, two acoustic 12-strings,
>>>    two classical guitars (admittedly, my wife brought one to the union)
>>>    and a mandolin. Why ever for?
>> I now own 10 different plucked instruments: medieval lute, renaissance lutes 
>> at a', g', and d', archlute, cittern, bandora, renaissance guitar, baroque 
>> guitar, and lutekulele.  I play them all regularly, though mostly the g' 
>> renaissance and the baroque guitar (my newest toy).  In my other hobby, 
>> astronomy, I own 12 telescopes.  Fortunately my wife is a fabric artist, and 
>> owns half a dozen sewing machines, so she understands.
>> Each instrument has its own function, strengths, and weaknesses. In each 
>> area we own a few high end devices, plus a variety of inexpensive 
>> "experiments."  In my case, the former includes custom-made telescopes and 
>> lutes, the latter includes mass-produced Chinese telescopes, Pakistani 
>> pluckies, and various homebrews.
>> And yes, we both know that we are sick.
>> Geoff
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