Greetings, Ralf.

Yes, i have done it on all sorts of strings, for about 30 years or so. Even top 
strings, gut and synthetic.
As far as uneven distribution, the string under tension deems to distribute 
whatever twist there is, evenly. If the twist is done to a reasonable degree, 
and, as i mentioned, there is no visible bulging on the string surface, there 
would be no problem. (However i did twist some strings to a degree when they 
started looking wavy, and still they sounded true).
Wet gut twisted, indeed. Dry gut will definitely take less twist then wet, but 
the nature of the twist also will be different, there will be more springiness 
to the string. It has to be tried to be appreciated. I have found that quite a 
few string problems can be fixed this way.

alexander r.

On Wed, 18 Dec 2013 14:57:26 +0100
"R. Mattes" <> wrote:
> Hello Alexander,
> sorry, but I want to ask: did you ever try this out yourself and
> did it really work? Even if you really manage to fix the string
> after twisting so that it doesn't immediatly untwist twisting in
> such a way would cause the mass of the string to be unevenly distributed
> over it's length (because the string will be mostly twisted in the
> middle - take a rubberband, twist it and watch where the twisting
> happens ;-) And that will create a false string.
> Gut strings are twisted during assembly, while they are wet, not
> afterwards, when dried.
> @david: what exactly do you mean when you write "sensitve"?
> Does the string change pitch when you use more than minimal force
> to finger it? Yes, that's typical for low tension strings (as well
> as for metal strings ...) You need to spend a substantial amount
> of time pracising playing at low tension. "Dificult to get in tune" -
> hmm, low tension should result in easier tuning because you need more
> turning of the peg to get the same amount of pitch change compared to
> a high-tension string. As a matter of fact, shortly before the breaking
> point of a string, tiny changes at the peg will result in dramatic pitch
> changes - that's actually how you now that you are approaching the
> breaking point (without breaking the string).
> Cheers, Ralf Mattes
> --
> R. Mattes -

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