Dear Jean-Michel,

According to the citations I have collected (, many of the Italian editions of Corelli's Op. 1 call for the tiorba:

Corelli 1682
Corelli, Arcangelo. Sonate a trè, due violini, e violone, ò tiorba, col basso per l'organo . . . [Op. 1] Nuovamente ristampata (Bologna: Giacomo Monti) [MARX p. 83]

Corelli 1684a
Corelli, Arcangelo. Sonate a trè, due violini, e violone o tiorba, col basso per l'organo . . . [Op. 1] Nuovamente ristampata (Bologna: Giacomo Monti) [MARX p. 83]

Corelli 1684b
Corelli, Arcangelo. Suonate a trè, due violini, e violone o tiorba, col basso per l'organo . . . [Op. 1] Nuovamente ristampata (Venice: Giuseppe Sala) [MARX p. 83]

Corelli 1685b
Corelli, Arcangelo. Sonate studiose . . . due violini, e violone, ò tiorba, col basso per l'organo [Op. 1] (Modena: Antonio Vitaliani) [MARX, p. 84]

. . .

Corelli 1707
Corelli, Arcangelo. Suonate a trè, due violini, e violone, ò tiorba, col basso per l'organo . . . [Op. 1] (Venice: Giuseppe Sala) [MARX p. 88]

I didn't see these first hand, but cite them from: [MARX] = Marx, H. J. Die Überlieferung der Werke Arcangelo Corellis: catalogue raisonné. (Köln: Arno Volk Verlag, 1980). I assume he transcribed the title pages correctly.


On 1/23/2014 4:36 AM, jean-michel Catherinot wrote:
not theorbo, but arcileuto as in many publication at the time (including
for instance Mascitti, Haym...). Arcileuto is namely mentionned in the
first edtions of op. 1 ( Rome: Gio. Angelo Mutij, 1681) and 3 (Rome:
Gio. Giacomo Komarek, 1689), well in Roma. I've never seen the theorbo
mentionned in Corelli.

Le Mercredi 22 janvier 2014 18h43, R. Mattes <> a écrit :
On Wed, 22 Jan 2014 07:56:16 -0500, Gary R. Boye wrote

 > There are over 30 examples (with many reprints) where plucked
 > strings are specifically mentioned as a possibility in Corelli's
 > works . . .

Hmm, that pretty much boils down to Op. 1 and Op. 3 ... doesn't it?
And those are tro sonatas where the _theorbo_ can substitute for the
violone part (IIRC none of the prints mentioning archlute are from Rome).

Cheers, RalfD

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Dr. Gary R. Boye
Professor and Music Librarian
Appalachian State University

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